
01 | 神经网络

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训练(Training) 打个比方,你现在想要训练一个能区分苹果还是橘子的模型,你需要搜索一些苹果和橘子的图片,这些图片放在一起称为训练数据集(training dataset),训练数据集是有标签的,苹果图片的标签就是苹果,橘子亦然。一个初始神经网络通过不断的优化自身参数,来让自己变得准确,可能开始10张苹果的照片,只有5张被网络认为是苹果,另外5张认错了,这个时候通过优化参数,让另外5张错的也变成对的。这整个过程就称之为训练(Traning)。

推理(Inference) 你训练好了一个模型,在训练数据集中表现良好,但是我们的期望是它可以对以前没看过的图片进行识别。你重新拍一张图片扔进网络让网络做判断,这种图片就叫做现场数据(live data),如果现场数据的区分准确率非常高,那么证明你的网络训练的是非常好的。我们把训练好的模型拿出来遛一遛的过程,称为推理(Inference)。

部署(deployment) 想要把一个训练好的神经网络模型应用起来,需要把它放在某个硬件平台上并保证其能运行,这个过程称之为部署(deployment)。

activation function



s 形函数


\[ f(x) = \frac{1}{1+ e^{-x}} \]
\[ f'(x) = f(x)(1-f(x)) \]


takes a real-valued number and “squashes” it into range between -1 and 1

  • Like sigmoid, tanh neurons saturate
  • Unlike sigmoid, the output is zero-centered o It is therefore preferred than sigmoid
  • Tanh is a scaled sigmoid: \(tanh(x) = 2 * \sigma(2x) − 1\)


ReLU is fast to compute

  • Compared to sigmoid, tanh
  • Simply threshold a matrix at zero

  • Accelerates the convergence of gradient descent

  • Due
  • linear, non-saturating form
  • Prevents the gradient vanishing problem

Leaky ReLU

超参数 | hyper parameters

The most common hyper-parameters include: § Number of layers, and number of neurons per layer § Initial learning rate § Learning rate decay schedule (e.g., decay constant) § Optimizer type • Other hyper-parameters may include: § Regularization parameters (ℓ" penalty, dropout rate) § Batch size § Activation functions § Loss function

Grid search § Check all values in a range with a step value • Random search § Randomly sample values for the parameter § Often preferred to grid search • Bayesian hyper-parameter optimization § Is an active area of research

Learning Rate

Learning rate scheduling is applied to change the values of the learning rate during the training § Annealing is reducing the learning rate over time (a.k.a. learning rate decay) o Approach 1: reduce the learning rate by some factor every few epochs – Typical values: reduce the learning rate by a half every 5 epochs, or divide by 10 every 20 epochs o Approach 2: exponential or cosine decay gradually reduce the learning rate over time o Approach 3: reduce the learning rate by a constant (e.g., by half) whenever the validation loss stops improving

§ Warmup is gradually increasing the learning rate initially, and afterward let it cool down until the end of the training



Randomly drop units (along with their connections) during training § Each unit is retained with a fixed dropout rate p, independent of other units § The hyper-parameter p needs to be chosen (tuned) o Often, between 20% and 50% of the units are dropped


Batch normalization layers
